A Labor of Love


Many years ago, one of our former residents donated a piece of her childhood memorabilia to Cadbury Commons. It was a Doll House – 9 rooms and 3 floors of perfectly scaled furniture. It was arranged inside a large leaded-glass breakfront.

As time wore on, so did the bumps and bruises to this magnificent collection. We are after all an Assisted Living community. The lighting was the first to go followed by sloping floors. Crooked pictures. Tea pots on the floor. It was beginning to resemble a Fun House at an amusement park. It desperately needed some TLC.

Jack Shumsky to the rescue. There is nothing this resident cannot fix. He asked to have the Dollhouse delivered to his “workshop” a former office in our community. There he spent countless days and weeks restoring the lighting, replacing floors, gluing tea cups to saucers; saucers to the tables; tables to the floor, etc.

This beautifully restored Dollhouse now graces our foyer.

Thank you, Jack, for your labor of love.