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Dementia and Dignity

Dementia and Dignity

Let’s be honest, people are terrified of dementia. We work hard to hide a dementia diagnosis behind a wall of silence built with bricks of fear, shame and stigma...

Great Gadgets for Assisted or Independent Living Seniors

Independent living products for seniors on the market today are as innovative as they are helpful. Some also serve to bridge the digital generation gap so that seniors can retain a certain level of independence and confidence. Great gift ideas too!

Senior COVID Survival Plan: Six Steps to Staying Steady

Surviving COVID, on top of ALZ caregiving, is like surviving the free fall of skydiving. It takes a plan—and practice—to stay steady enough to open our parachutes in these stormy times. Here’s half-a-dozen steps...

How to Help Seniors Transition to Long-Term Care Facilities

Caregivers who are making long-term care decisions for their elderly loved ones may be feeling the strain of the pandemic, as the current housing market is unstable...

5 Tips for Seniors to Keep Cool in the Heat

Beat the heat! Here are 5 key tips for keeping you or a senior loved one cool and comfortable on the hottest days of summer.

A Magnet Challenges My World View

In our society “young/old” also connote being “attractive/ugly”, “trendy/out of touch”, “interesting/dull” or “fun/cranky” – the list goes on. Yet chronological age is an increasingly unreliable benchmark of just about anything about a person. And if our society is so excited about the ability to live longer, why do we stigmatize growing older?