Dining out with Alzheimer’s: Purple Table Reservations Copy
Dining out with Alzheimer’s Isn’t a Piece of Cake
Going out to dine at a restaurant should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience with friends and family. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult when a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia or other cognitive or physical impairments. If servers and restaurant staff are not prepared, it can be a frustrating or even embarrassing time. Often caregivers will opt out of going to restaurants to avoid stigma or hassle. Purple Table wanted to change this!
What is the Purple Table Service?
The service is the brainchild of owner Jennifer Apazicis, whose mother, Linda, died from Alzheimer’s disease in 2013. The Purple Table Reservation flag and restaurant training program are designed for those who are living with Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease, Autism, PTSD, TBI, a hearing or vision impairment, or other physical or cognitive condition that may benefit from a more predictable environment and additional accommodations when dining out.
“Someone who maybe has a child with autism, someone who maybe has a hearing impairment or someone who has a service dog — there’s a lot of things that can make the restaurant experience stressful,” said Apazicis. “Anyone that makes a purple table reservation just needs extra patience, a quieter area and extra love from their server.”
A little extra patience and understanding go a long way.
When you make a Purple Table reservation, no details are necessary (unless you choose to provide them), because the restaurant and staff do everything possible to ensure your dining experience is an enjoyable success. They will provide appropriate accommodations with extra patience and attention from trained staff who understand your needs and how to accommodate them.
Restaurants that are offer Purple Table Reservations receive staff training from the organization and can then advertise this service to customers. Establishments that are ready to commit, can also access to an online training tool kit. In all of the popular reservation systems, restaurants can add custom amenity and reservation flags, so that Purple Tables will integrate seamlessly.
How to Make Reservations
Diners can make reservations directly from an app (Android) or, when you’re out and about, simply look for the “Purple Table Reservations Accepted” decal displayed in a window.
Show Your Support
If you have a favorite restaurant in your neighborhood, consider suggesting they look into Purple Table. It’s a win-win for people with memory care issues and their companions who want a smooth dining experience and restaurants that want to court new customers. Show your support by sharing the Purple Table logo and website on social media. Or just spread the word with #PurpleTables#ASeatForEveryone
Learn about Cadbury Commons’ Memory Care Program >